Swimming Pool


Swimming is sometimes referred to as the perfect exercise. It not only improves muscle definition and builds core strength, it also builds bone mass and enhances lung performance. Indian research demonstrated that children who were regular swimmers had better mastery over language, finer tuned motor skills, besides having superior physical development and confidence as compared to a control group of non-swimmers. Thanks to our swimming pool, our students have the facility for a holistic workout and a whole lot of fun at the same time. Through swimming we hope to inculcate in our students qualities like self-discipline, a sense of time management, and confidence. Whether beginner or advanced swimmer, all our students have access to the swimming pool for physical education. Our students also enjoy aquatic extracurricular activities like competitive swimming and water polo.  Our pool is open to students and faculty throughout the day. Through our school swimming programme, we reward and encourage their swimming progress and efforts. Students are gifted with certificates for accomplishments and have a chance to show off their swimming skills in inter-house swimming contests. We also have a Swim Club for students who especially enjoy swimming to make the most of their hobby and our facility.

We take great pride in our school infrastructure and our swimming pool is designed to meet all health and safety guidelines according to the National Building Code. Qualified staff maintain a high degree of cleanliness and proper water chemistry in our pool at all times. Students are always under the watchful eyes of trained lifeguards and are strongly discouraged from breaking pool rules to ensure the best swimming experience for everyone.