Computer Lab

All students haveaccess to the Student Tutoring and Computer Lab, which provides learningassistance and support. Our services are intended to assist you with academicand work-related activities, as well as to assist you in developing theeducational skills and methods necessary for academic success. Astate-of-the-art computer lab is available at the school. These are designedfor primary, secondary, and senior school pupils. All of the teachers havereceived extensive training in how to effectively use these materials. Theycreate and employ audio and visual aids to make instruction more successful.The laboratories are used by students to improve their programming skills andgain practical experience with computer applications. Our pupils have access towell-equipped computer laboratories with high-quality computers and carefullysupervised internet connectivity, which allows them to conduct research whilealso preparing them for an IT-driven world. Change is enabled by technology,not driven by it.
